Getting pregnant is not a solo act. It should come as no surprise that it takes two to get pregnant! However, the trying to conceive (TTC) journey is not always a quick, easy, and enjoyable experience for everyone. Many couples who are trying to get pregnant can experience difficulties along the way.
If you and your partner want to have kids as soon as possible, there are steps that both partners can take to boost your chances of conception. We recommend starting off by scheduling a fertility assessment for both partners. The first step for the female is to go to the OBGYN and for the male, the first step is a semen analysis.
Why Both Partners Should Get Fertility Evaluations
It’s estimated that 1 in 6 couples have trouble getting pregnant (Resolve). That means millions of people in the U.S. are affected by infertility issues.
During the typical TTC journey, the female partner’s fertility is often scrutinized and evaluated heavily before the male’s. This places unnecessary stress and an unfair burden on the female partner.
Thanks to scientific evidence and research, we know that infertility affects both males and females equally. In over 50% of infertility cases, the male is either a contributing factor or the sole cause.
Unfortunately, many couples will still wait months, or even years, to start assessing the fertility status of the male partner. If you’re trying to conceive or are just starting on your TTC journey, it’s a good idea to strive for a more equitable TTC experience. Both partners should receive fertility care concurrently from qualified providers at the start of their journey. This equitable approach creates a more unifying experience for the couple and helps save time, money, stress and heartache.
It’s better to know about infertility issues sooner rather than later. Approximately 85-90% of infertility cases can be treated with conventional medical therapies (NIH). The sooner you know the cause of the issue, the better for your family.
Trying to Conceive Tips to Improve Fertility
At Posterity Health, our mission is to help couples get pregnant. As such, we are happy to provide all kinds of insights, advice, and tips to help you when you’re trying to conceive. If you want personalized insights for your pregnancy journey, contact our team today.
Here are just a few of the best things that both partners can do to improve their chances of conception.
- Limit Alcohol, Smoking, and Caffeine – These substances can negatively affect your fertility status. If you’re trying to get pregnant, it’s best to avoid smoking and limit alcohol and caffeine consumption.
- Minimize Your Stress and Improve Your Diet – It’s a good idea to embrace healthy habits to deal with stress and maintain a healthy weight.
- Make a Few Lifestyle Adjustments – Certain environmental factors, like high heat and toxins, can have negative impacts on male fertility.
- Have Sex Regularly Near the Time of Ovulation – We recommend couples have sex once every day or every other day during the female’s fertile window (which is near the time of ovulation).
- Consider Supplements – Nutrition is an important part of your fertility status. It may be beneficial to take a fertility supplement to support your conception journey. Keep in mind, it typically takes 3 months for a supplement to impact a male’s sperm quality.
- Speak with Fertility Specialists – Both partners should schedule consultations; OBGYNs for the female and reproductive urologists for the male. This way, you both can get personalized fertility insights and TTC tips.
Speed Up Your TTC Journey with Posterity Health
If you’re trying to conceive, we can help guide your path to a successful pregnancy. At Posterity Health, we specialize in evaluating and treating male infertility. Our clinic can work with patients across the nation and help you and your partner with your pregnancy goals through personalized advice and treatments.
Contact us today to learn how we can help your family on your TTC journey.